Welfare changes and what it means to you
Welfare Reform
The government is making (and has already made) big changes to working-age benefits since 2013. Changes such as the “Bedroom Tax”- reducing Housing Benefit for working age tenants with ‘extra’ bedrooms, and Universal Credit – where all payments, including those to cover your rent- are made monthly directly to you.
Some of these changes might make it more difficult for you to pay your rent. Remember - your rent is your responsibility, but we are here to help if you are having money worries. We can also help you with mutual exchanges, transfers, or applications for Discretionary Housing Payments.
Universal Credit
Are you on one of the benefits that Universal Credit is replacing or are you someone who can claim Universal Credit? visit our webpage with more information on Universal Credit.
Two Child Limit for Child Tax Credit, Housing Benefit and Universal Credit
Having your third (or fourth, fifth plus) child? There's now a two child limit for Child Tax Credit, housing benefit and Universal credit. Visit our Housing Benefit changes web page to find out what these changes could mean for your income.
Changes for people who have a Limited Capability for Work
Claiming Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit when unfit for work? Visit our Housing Benefit changes web page to find out what these changes could mean for your income.
The Bedroom Tax (Under occupation)
Does the government think you have too many bedrooms? Our Bedroom Tax information page can help you get to grips with what this means for you.
Non-dependant deductions
Does someone age 18 or over live with you? Head over to our webpage for Non-dependant deductions to find out more.
The Benefit Cap
The Benefit Cap limits the overall amount of welfare benefits a ‘working age’ household can receive.
It does not affect you if you (or you and your partner) are Pension Credit age.
If you are affected it is worth checking to see if you can claim one of the benefits that will exclude you from the Cap, our Benefit Cap webpage has more information on this.
Discretionary Housing Payments
Are you on Housing Benefit or Universal Credit and struggling to pay your rent? Or perhaps you need to move due to the Welfare Reform changes but don’t have the money for a deposit for privately rented housing, or for removal costs? Head over to our web page on Discretionary Housing Payments for more information.
Personal Independence Payment
Do you or your partner suffer from any disabilities or illnesses? Visit this page on Personal Independence Payment for more info.
Council Tax Support
Finding it difficult to pay your council tax bill? Our Council Tax support page has information on what help is available.