Contribution Based Jobseeker’s Allowance is a benefit for those who have paid sufficient National Insurance contributions. Some people have been advised that Contribution Based Jobseeker’s Allowance no longer exists under the Universal Credit system – but that is wrong! Contribution Based Jobseeker’s Allowance does still exist; the only thing that is changing, if you come under the Universal Credit service is the name - Contribution Based Jobseeker’s Allowance is known as ‘New Style’ Jobseeker’s Allowance.
You come under the Universal Credit service if:
- You live in a Full (digital) service area and you need to make a new claim - unless you have 3 or more dependent children, or
- You live in a Live (non-digital) service area and you made your claim for Universal Credit before 31st December 2017, or
- You live in a Live (non-digital) area and you are treated as an existing UC claimant because you were claiming UC with a partner less than one month ago, you have separated and you now need to claim as a single person, or you were getting UC within the last six months, you were working and your entitlement to UC reduced to nil, but your circumstances have changed and you need UC again.
(There will be no new claims in Live (non-digital) areas from 1st January 2018).
If you do not come under the Universal Credit service, you will be claiming ‘Old Style’ Jobseeker’s Allowance. You can make a claim for this online. You might also need to claim Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Child Tax Credit and Housing Benefit.
This change is causing some confusion and you may be given incorrect advice.
To make a claim for ‘New Style’ Jobseeker’s Allowance you must ring 0800 328 9344 if you live in a ‘live’/gateway service area, or 0800 055 6688 if you live in a Full Digital Service area. You do not have to claim Universal Credit at the same time, you can make a claim for ‘New Style’ Jobseeker’s Allowance without claiming Universal Credit if that is best for you. If you only want to claim New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance and not Universal Credit you will need to ask for form UC JSA1 to be sent to you by email or by post.
It is important to get the right advice because you may be better off if you only claim New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance and not Universal Credit, for example if you already have an award of Housing Benefit or Child Tax Credit, then these can continue (you will need to report your change of circumstances to the relevant departments).
Or you may be better off if you claim Universal Credit in addition to New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance. This could be the case if you do not currently get any Housing Benefit. Your New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance will count as income when your Universal Credit entitlement is calculated.
So seek help from a specialist benefits adviser or contact us so we can advise you about your options before you do anything.
Daniel and Julie have two young daughters. Daniel works full time and Julie was working part time, but has recently been laid off after working for the same company for 5 years, so she is looking for another job. As well as Daniel’s earnings they also get Tax Credits (which includes a disabled child addition for their youngest daughter).
Julie wants to claim New Style Jobseekers Allowance. If she goes online to try to claim, rings the call centre or asks at her local jobcentre, it is likely that she will be (incorrectly) advised to make a claim for Universal Credit instead of, or in addition to, a claim for New Style Jobseekers Allowance. This would mean that their Tax Credits would be brought to an end and they may get less financial help from Universal Credit than they would have done from staying on Tax Credits. They should be advised to get a 'better off' calculation done, and, if they do not wish to claim Universal Credit, to make the claim for CB-JSA by calling 0800 055 6688 and making it clear that she does not want to claim Universal Credit.